Snoring can be annoying for anyone who has to share a bed with a snorer. This can also lead to bitterness in a relationship and could lead to divorce or separation. But did you know that snoring can be related to TMJ and other serious health issues? Here are 3 things to consider about snoring and how it relates to TMJ.
- What causes snoring?
Snoring is not only a nighttime problem. The effects of chronic snoring can lead to tiredness, irritability, and difficulty concentrating. The reason for this is that the brain is not getting the correct amount of oxygen it needs throughout the night resulting in lower blood oxygen levels and ineffective sleep. The reasons for snoring can vary. For example, the general anatomy of your mouth and throat can create an airway obstruction. Also, alcohol consumption too close to bedtime can make the tissues in the back of the throat relax and create an airway obstruction. Nasal problems can also exacerbate snoring.
- TMJ can be the cause or effect of snoring
Snoring can actually be caused by or be the result of having TMJ. If the jaw is out of alignment, it can lead to a blockage in the airway and lead to clenching and grinding of the jaw which can make TMJ worse. On the other hand, for those who suffer from sleep apnea, TMJ can actually be the result of the body’s natural response of pushing the lower jaw forward when drawing a breath which can lead to TMJ.
- Is it time to see a doctor?
Beyond being a nuisance to bedtime partners, snoring and TMJ should be addressed as soon as daytime tiredness or fatigue is observed. Sleep disorders can be linked to other very serious illnesses such as heart disease, hypertension, and strokes. These very serious illnesses can be life-threatening if left untreated, so it’s very important to get checked as soon as symptoms appear.
Snoring and TMJ can oftentimes be a sign of something more serious and should always be taken seriously. Apart from being a nuisance to a sleeping partner, it can also lead to, or be a symptom of, something that must be addressed by a physician or health care professional.
Virginia Sleep & TMJ offers noninvasive, holistic treatment options for your sleep issues. Contact us today to schedule your appointment and get restful, peaceful sleep.