What Is Snoring?
Symptoms & Causes
Snoring is a noise that happens when a person is asleep. While it can be softer and sound like grumbling, it is often harsher and sounds more like a snorting or grunting noise. It happens when the muscles of the throat become soft and relaxed, which narrows the airway. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, it is estimated that 45 percent of adults occasionally snore, while 25 percent regularly snore. While it is common and does not always indicate a health problem, it does mean that a person’s breathing is being blocked in some way. It is possible that a snorer has an underlying medical condition that is causing their noisy sleep. Not only does this condition pose problems for the snorer, such as interrupted and restless sleep, but it can also wake up and disrupt your spouse or family members, as well. Over time, a lack of high-quality sleep can contribute to chronic conditions and mental health disorders.
Symptoms Of Snoring
If you live alone, it may be hard to know for sure if you snore or not. However, if you live with your spouse and/or family, they may let you know that your breathing is loud and disruptive at night. The following are snoring symptoms that indicate you may have a need:
Nighttime Symptoms
Daytime Symptoms
What Causes Snoring?
Snoring can be caused by several different issues. Often, if it is severe, it can actually be caused by sleep apnea, specifically obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA. OSA happens when your breathing is obstructed or blocked while you are asleep. This causes pauses in your breathing at night, which can lead to other health problems if left untreated. However, snoring does not always indicate that you have sleep apnea. It can also be caused by other less severe issues, such as:
At Virginia Sleep & TMJ Therapy in Richmond, VA, we aim to help you with this condition so that you gain better quality sleep. This includes looking at any and all snoring symptoms and potential risk factors so that we can diagnose you and help you get the treatment you need.