woman at doctor's office having her jaw evaluated for TMJ pain

TMJ Risk Factors & Diagnosis

Experiencing Jaw Pain? We Can Help

Jaw pain is very common—according to a recent study by the National Institute of Dental Research and Craniofacial Research, about 11-12 million adults in the U.S. report that they experience jaw pain. At Virginia Sleep & TMJ Therapy, we work with Angus Dentistry to help restore the quality of life in patients with TMJ disorders. Together we take a holistic approach, taking into account a person’s entire health history and identifying TMJ risk factors and other symptoms to help them find relief.

What Causes TMJ Disorders?

The exact causes of TMJ are unknown, and in some cases, there are no clear causes. It can come on suddenly or gradually, and pain can be mild to chronic. TMD is thought to be caused by a variety of factors, including:

  • Stress

  • Genetics

  • Teeth grinding or clenching

  • Arthritis

  • Autoimmune diseases

  • Injury to the jaw

Risk Factors Of  TMJ Disorders

Though the exact causes of TMJ are unknown, research shows that certain people are more likely to develop the condition than others.

  • According to The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, women are nearly twice as likely to develop a TMJ disorder than men.

  • Most people with TMJ are between the ages of 20–40 years old, according to a scientific study published in BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders.

  • People with TMJ often experience other chronic conditions. According to The TMJ Association, 85% of people with jaw pain also report some other kind of chronic condition including endometriosis, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, sleep apnea and more.

How Are TMJ Disorders Diagnosed?

We work with Agnus Dentistry to use a holistic approach that takes into account your comprehensive medical history as well as your behavioral health. Our dentists may also perform a physical exam of the jaw, neck and face. The physical exam may include:

  • Feeling your jaw as you move your mouth

  • Listening to your jaw as it moves

  • Observing the overall range of motion of the jaw

  • Lightly pressing on painful, sore or uncomfortable areas

  • Joint vibration analysis by ultrasound

Talk to our providers if you are anxious about the examination. We know chronic pain or even mild pain can make an examination difficult, and we aim to help every patient feel as relaxed as possible. We can discuss pain control options and check how you are feeling throughout the exam.

In order to properly diagnose you, we may recommend additional testing, such as X-rays, to rule out other conditions. We are more than happy to work with your primary doctor to discuss a recent diagnosis or testing that may aid in your diagnosis.

Happy man glasses dressed up

TMJ Disorders And Sleep Apnea

People with sleep apnea often also experience TMD and vice versa. This is because changes in jaw position can cause the airway to become obstructed during sleep. According to a study published in BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 90% of patients with TMD reported poor sleep quality. Additionally, TMD and sleep apnea can cause similar symptoms, such as headaches, fatigue and difficulty sleeping.

Get Started With Your TMJ Treatment

We understand that TMD is a complex medical condition that can involve a variety of symptoms and affect different areas of the body. It can cause mild or severe pain that can be either constant or come and go. No matter your specific symptoms, we can help you find relief. If you experience jaw pain or other symptoms, schedule an appointment on our website or call us at 804.729.3474.